
Last Monday, on a whim, I bought four semi inner tubes from Hanson Tire. Cathy just smiled and shook her head. Since then, there's been a regular armada of Wilsons drifting down the Namekagon River. We definitely got our money's worth.

Speaking of drifting, I like Mark Beeson's thoughts, (via Tony Morgan) "No one ever drifts to greatness."

He says:
No one ever drifts to greatness. Want to be a great musician? Methodical practice is required. Do you long for athletic prowess? You must train, and train methodically. Building a great marriage, a great family, a great friendship or a great career requires the ongoing discipline of methodical effort. Wesley had it right; the methodical practice of scriptural holiness is the way to maturity.


  1. Great post Pastor Mark! I enjoy your blog so much (one of my daily www stops).

    My son Josh is starting college in the next couple of weeks and he has heard a similar speech several times in the last 3 months.

    One of our former Pastors, Dennis Boone made this statement that has remained with me;

    "There's only one way to coast - downhill."

    Jerry from NC

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    God put sweat in our bodies for a reason. This world does not owe anyone a living, only the chance to earn it. In other words, get off your duffs and do something about your situation. Whining is complaining about a situation when you yourself have no intention about doing anything to change it. The world is made up of whiners who expect everyone else to do something.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Love this post!

    Ongoing discipline of methodical effort.

    A good inspirational saying...
    Some people make things happen, same watch things happen, And some wonder at the end of their life, "What Happened?"

    The later spent their lives whining while coasting downhill.


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