Missional Pennies

Michael Drown, our Missionary from Mercy Ships, recently reported on our Vacation Bible School penny offering we collected from a couple hundred enthusiastic kids a few weeks ago.

The kids gave 121,400 pennies! (our goal was 90,000)

These coins paid for the following:
2 Life Saving Surgeries (72,000 pennies)
Agricultural Training for four people (18,000 pennies)
Twelve Eye Exams (12,000 pennies)
Ten Dental Treatments (10,000 pennies)
16 Bibles (6400 pennies)
Six mosquito nets (3000 pennies)

Michael writes:
Over the past 5 years, the kids have brought in 389,080 pennies. These pennies have directly impacted the lives of 105 individuals and countless other indirectly with the good news about Jesus.


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