Now, if they can only invent one of these for Church Pews!


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Hey Mark, this is exactly what we need for FLAME! Imagine all of the snoring studnets who would no longer be a distraction if we could just buy this pillow.
    Wayne R.

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Some of those FLAME studens can really snore 'till the cows come home! I agree with wayne, it can be added to their registration fee.


  3. Yeah, I've heard that snoring, especially when you are in big rooms like we used to be at Stroudsburg. And then there was the time the men slept in the raquetball court at Stroudsburg. I remember that I had to find somewhere else. I vote for "no snoring" pillows for FLAME.


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