Trends in the Life of the Church

1960's -- Koinonia, Jesus People, RSV, Revival Services, Flannelgraph, Missions and Billy Graham.

1970's -- Bus Ministry, Personal Evangelism, Puppets, Film Strips, Living Bible, Moral Majority, and Billy Graham.

1980's -- Preaching, Church Growth, Evangelism Programs, NIV, Youth Ministry, Calvary Chapel, Billy Graham Movies, Leadership, and Billy Graham.

1990's -- Seeker Sensitive, Purpose Driven, Suburbs, Powerpoint, Drama, Praise Bands, Small Groups and Billy Graham

1995-2005 -- Worship, Church Health, Worship Videos, I-Worship, Children's Ministry, Mission Trips, and Billy Graham.

2005-2010 -- Missional, Venues, Church Planting, Emergent, Inner City, Authenticity and "De-Churching", and Billy Graham


  1. I still use flannelgraph and the kids LOVE it because it is now unusual.

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Add "Video in service" to today and you have the post modern church. I wonder if culture should change church or church should change culture? At least Billy Graham is in them all. Steve

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I don't think Billy Graham is going to make it to 2010

  4. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Are you the stady declinning numbers in church attendence to Billy Graham? He is the constant in all of those eras, which also saw a steady decline in church attendence. It does make one wonder.
    Of all the big guys, in my opinion he was the least liekly to do that.


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