Will the Real Heretic Please Stand Up?

Bob Franquiz recently posted on the heresy amongst us:

Mark Driscoll outs the Emergent guys...
John McArthur outs Driscoll...
The non-Calvinists out McArthur...
The Calvinists out the Arminians...
The pre-wrath guys out the 'Left Behind' Crowd...
The Left Behind crowd out the Amillennials...
The cessationists out the Charismaniacs...
And the Charismaniacs out every imaginable demon...
So I'm calling it right now... everyone's a heretic... except me and you (and I'm not so sure about you) :)


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    What is the true definition of a heretic?

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Websters definition:

    1) A religious belief opposed to the orthodox doctrines of a church

    2) Any opinion opposed to established views.

  3. In college we had a "wall of heresy" with various quotes and comments from friends and Profs that would be considered..well...heresy. Mostly slip of the tongues or comments taken out of context but it was hilarious to compile.

    By the way Im back blogging.


  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Anytime a new denomination is formed, they are considered heretics by the group they are leaving.

  5. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Any opinon opposed to establshed views and opposed to the doctrine?

    Is that not exzatley what Jesus believed and taught?

    The orginised Church back then was wrong and rotten and sadly today may Chruches are the same!

    He must have been considered a heretic during his time.

    If by calling a Chruch rotten today when I see it makes me a heretic then I am proud to be a heretic.


  6. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Hair a tic"... a tick that lives in hair ..rather than in the woods.

    Hair a tics can not bite because they continuously have their little mouths open.

  7. Anonymous7:33 PM

    At least heretics are willing to open their mouths when they are opposed to what they see is wrong.

    Just because a view is considered established does not make it right or Christian.

    Many times the ones in control make the rules to enhance their own agenda and the Church is just a path to promote themselves and their family and friends.

    I would rather open my mouth to standup for what is right than to know something is wrong and keep my mouth shut, sitting on my hands while watching injustice thrive in the name of the Lord.

  8. Anonymous6:15 PM

    The thing about hair a tics. Similar to wood tics.. they get very puffed up and full of themselves...they simply hang on and suck the life from you.

    Centuries ago hair a ticks, like wood ticks....were pulled out and ceremoniously burned in flames.
    Unfortunately.. not everyone labeled a hair a tic was actually such.... which was the major Imposition of the In"quiz"ition .. (not to be confused with Bible Quiz , which is a whole different critter).

  9. Hey dad!!

    That's hilarious. I find it interesting that one of the biggest "heretics" in human history is also one of the greatest spritual leaders in history: Martin Luther. Sometimes, I think established "doctrines" and rituals do need to be challenged, especially if they lack scriptural support, because customs and cultures are subject to change. What is relavant today may not have been two hundred years ago. If changing with the times is "heresy," then I think the church could use a healthy dose of it.

  10. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I do believe the Church has to be relavant with the times, but I think it is a thin line between being relavant and being just like the world around us. I heard a pastor say to reach the youth now we have to curse just like them because that is what they understand. I know the world is lost with that kind of heretic.


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