Presidential Small Town Preacher

How a Small Town Preacher Became a Rising White House Contender

There are four basic things to succeed in either politics or the pastorate,” said the former Baptist preacher, Mike Huckabee.

“You have to have a message. Secondly, you have to motivate volunteers. You have to be able to understand and work with all types of medium to get your message out,” he continued, “and you’ve got to raise money.”

(Of all the candidates right now, I like Huckabee -- and I said that back when he was getting only 2% in the polls. But I have to admit- It's kind of hard to imagine having a president named Huck.)


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    huckabee is a huckster

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    What is more weird? A President Named Huck or one Named Hil, with a Husband Named Billy?


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