Elmer Towns

Last night, I dreamed that the noted scholar and church growth authority, Elmer Towns, came to our church, and gave us a consultation for free!

He was delighted when he observed our congregation, and was tremendously encouraging. "You have great people!! You have a great staff!! You have great opportunities all around you!! The sky's the limit!! You're going to need to expand your facilities soon! What an exciting place to serve the Lord! There are lots of unreached people in those woods! What are you waiting for? Go get them!!"

Ol' Elmer sure had me pumped!! I was ready to charge hell with a water pistol.
Then I woke up.

I took the dream as a word from the Lord -- to have more faith, to think bigger, to be more excited about my work in Hayward, and to bring the love of Jesus to our whole commuity. This morning, I pulled Elmer's book of my shelf and started reading.

I figure, if I visit him in the day -- maybe he'll come by again and visit me in my dreams.


  1. Elmer sounds like another wonderful man that I know...full of joy and enthusiasm even when faced with so many wordly trials...most people around here refer to him as our Pastor! I can't wait to read your book someday!!


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