
I've not done a very good job maintaining my reading list lately. But, for the few who may find it of interest -- here are three good books I've read lately:

1. Jesus, the Pastor, by John Frye. This is an outstanding book on pastoral ministry, using Jesus as our model. (Most writing on pastoral ministry uses St. Paul as the focus, rather than Jesus.) Frye inspired me to read the Gospels through the lens of "Jesus as Pastor" -- what does that say about my own pastoral work from day to day? One of the best three books I've read in the last year!

2. Unchristian: What A New Generation Thinks About Christianity. . . and Why it Matters, by David Kinnamon. Alarming research which reveals how the rising generation views Chrsitians -- especially Evangelicals. It's eye-opening.

3. Homiletics, by Donald E. Demaray This is going to be the textbook for a course I will be teaching soon. An easy and insightful read -- which covers all the various aspects of preaching the Gospel. Great book!


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