Missions Conference and an Unexpected Turn of Events
Jeff Whitney and his new bride, Geyla came here from Russia.
Rick and Clara West represented the Latin American Ministries of the Wesleyan Church.
Shirley Duncan came on behalf of Hephzibah Children's Home in Macon, Georgia.
Yesterday, Dr. H. C. Wilson, the General Director of Wesleyan Global Partners, delivered a powerful message in our worship services. He's a dynamic communicator, and really inspired us to see the needs of the world around us.
I'm grateful to partner with such committed ministers of God's grace.
We received Faith Promise commitments for Missions at the end of the service, and the total is around $65,000 so far. (Our goal is $80,000 -- and we're well on the way. Last year at this time, for instance, the Faith Promise total was $28,000.)
Last night, after the concluding service, one of our pastors slipped on the ice on the sidewalk and hit his head pretty hard. He ended up being transported to St. Mary's in Duluth, Minnesota for observation. He's going to be ok -- but I can't give details until I'm sure he's contacted his family members. I ended up driving there late last night -- and didn't get home until 4:00 this morning -- so yesterday turned into a 22 and a half hour day.
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