This Sunday

To the Hayward Wesleyan Church Family:

This Sunday, as we continue our journey through Ephesians, I will be speaking from the third chapter. Once again, I encourage you to read the passage ahead of time. It's good preparation for the heart.

You can find the passage here at Bible Gateway. All week long, I've been praying the last eight verses over you.

Some questions to ponder:

1. Verses 1 and 14 say "For this reason. . ." What is the reason?

2. Look for the following words:
  • Grace
  • Glory
  • Mystery
  • Power
  • In Christ Jesus

3. When writing this letter, Paul was a prisoner (probably in Rome.) Why do you suppose he calls himself a "prisoner of Christ"?

Also, here is a list of songs we're planning to sing:

(note -- the two older hymns are from Cyber Hymnal. The plodding electronic music at the site leaves a bit to be desired -- but it has all the lyrics, and also tells the story behind the song.) The newer songs are from You Tube -- and I can't guarantee that we'll do it the same way on Sunday morning.)

To God Be the Glory


Everlasting God

And Can It Be



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