Wesleyan Church Attendance

Last year, an average of 57,821 people attended the 49 largest Wesleyan Churches.

55,755 people attended the smallest 1,210 Wesleyan Churches.


  1. But how many were convenant members?

    aka..."True Wesleyans"

  2. 50% of all Wesleyan churches average 58 or fewer people in attendance. (2007 annual statistical report)

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    but how many people do those "smaller churches" send into the missions and ministry fields???

    Also what is the size of the community that the large churches draw from?

  4. Interesting stats! I took it one step further and averaged the top 49 churches and their average attendance is about 1,100. The average for the bottom 1,200 is 46, not far from the average the Mark G. quoted. Which is not much bigger than the size of the church I pastor.

  5. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Most of the missionaries I've known have come from small churches. Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Peale and Shuller all were sons of either farmers or small town pastors.

    My take home point for the post is that the smaller churches -- working collectively -- are a mighty force -- about the same as the big churches.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    it just takes more of 'em!

    As far as DEPTH of impact - -I cam from a rural church -- and they let me sing solos when I was ten, teach Sunday School when I was 15, and preach when I was 16.

    Not many large congregations would have allow that kind of ministry training experience.

  7. Mark, great point and thanks for putting things back in perspective for myself. Small churches account for a great deal of ministry. I think that's the reason there were so many at your seminar last January. Most of us Wesleyan pastors can relate to the small church. I was raised in two small churches and I am pastoring the second of two rural churches.

    I gave you a plug over on my blog, because you will be teaching Pastoring the Rural/Small Church this summer at ReKindle/FLAME X. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.


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