A Mighty Deacon

My old friend from yesteryear, Sam Crabtree, serves on staff with John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Recently, following a discussion about changes in their Deacon Ministry, Sam penned a new hymn. It is posted at Desiring God, and sung to the tune of "A Mighty Fortress".

A mighty deacon is our man;
He does what others think he can.
Qualifications he doth meet.
Electing him they thinketh sweet.
And so they cast their vote;
They do not rock the boat
Their craft and pow’r are great:
Quorum! Electorate!
That deacon look is in his eye.

Did he in his own strength confide,
That deacon would be freakin’.
But what’s a deacon spozed to do?
His job is what we’re tweakin’.
Dost ask what tasks they be?
Might they be two? Or three?
How shall he play the game?
From age to age the same:
With deacon look there in his eye.

And though this world with deacons filled
Should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for votes have willed:
Electing deacons to us.
If you’re a deacon, deek!
If you’re a beacon, beak!
Let goods and kindred go,
And rationale also.
The deacon is forever.


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