47 Years old Today

Age is mostly a matter of mind.
If you don't mind -- it doesn't matter.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Happy birthday old man!

  2. Happy Birthday to YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOO YOU!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MARK!!! HAPPPPYYYYY BIIIIRRRRTTHHHHHDAAAYYYYY TOOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!! (of course, sung at the top of my lungs obnoxiously! he he he)

  3. Happy Birthday,
    Happy Birthday,
    Gloom and darkness everywhere,
    People dying in despair,
    Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Oh, I kid!

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    You are at the age when you start thinking of the hereafter. whenever you walk into a room, you ask, "what am I here after?"


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