A Beautiful Day with a Precious Saint

We had a wonderful day at church with Dr. Wesley Duewel.(Author of Ablaze for God.) Dr. Duewel is a true saint of God. In his life, there is a thin veil between earth and heaven. He has walked with God so long and so deeply, that he lives the spiritual realm as naturally (even more so perhaps) than the physical realm.

Our people were deeply touched by his total dedication to the Savior, his fervent prayer, and his overflowing love.

Tomorrow morning, we're hosting a meeting for pastors in the area -- and I'm going to turn Dr. Duewel loose on them!!


  1. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Sounds awesome. I just love spending time with people who really walk with God.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    So beautiful. Really WALKS with God.


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