Table Rock South Carolina

I am at Table Rock, South Carolina, teaching a course on Evangelism to a wonderful group of 24 eager students. They are insightful and engaging. It's fun to teach a group so ready to learn and grow.


  1. Pastor Mark!
    Make time to climb to the top of Table Rock! It's an experience you won't soon forget! I did a lot of growing up on those campgrounds!

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Enjoy all the bright young minds so willing to learn. One of the most important lessons you can try to teach them is the following:
    You can be a terrific orator, wonderful preacher, who delivers the most inspiring message, but you must be careful not to wipe-out the message with one deed or snide remark. For example, a pastor could deliver a message on loving everyone, and then he stands by the door and refuses to shake hand with certain members of the congregation. Or a minister could preach a message on respect for others and wipe-out everything he said by ending with one snide remark towards someone he disagrees with.

    Much older preacher who has learned this lesson the hard way.


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