Open Letter to Leith Anderson

Several evangelical leaders sent an open letter to NAE President, Leith Anderson yesterday, in response to the recent departure of Richard Cizik, after his controversial comments on NPR.

In part, the letter states:

We respect the right of the NAE to select spokespersons that represent the organization's stated priorities. At the same time, we release this letter to show our deep gratitude for Richard's 28 years of leadership at the NAE, in which he has had a guiding hand in shaping a broad Christian moral agenda that has helped define American evangelical's public witness.

It was unfortunate that Cizik overstepped his bound, and made statements that were not in line with NAE's values. His words did not accurately reflect the position of most of the people he was supposed to be respresenting. However, on the other hand, Cizik should be commended for broadening the scope of evangelical conscience in America and beyond. He helped pastors like me see that although we support the right to life and traditional marriage, there are other important concerns of compassion and social justice which demand our attention as well.


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