Sunday Night Thoughts

A winter storm made roads hazardous, but our hardy northwoods congregation showed up anyway! Half the morning, it looked like a snow globe outside our large sanctuary window. It was absolutely beautiful.

We were honored to have the Uke-Ladies and Laddies perform a couple of Christmas numbers for us. A choir of enthusiastic children did a fantastic job singing "Born on this Day."

I preached on the following:

1. Christmas is For Giving. (showed the advent conspiracy video)

Then -- remove the space and it says --

2. Christmas is Forgiving

I used Col. 3:13 as my text and spoke on the importance of "removing the space in our hearts towards other people." I used Rembrandt's Return of the Prodigal as an illustration.

3. Christmas is Forbearing
Col. 3:13 in KJV says "Forbearing one another. . ." Rev. 3:10 in the message speaks of "passionate patience"

The inscription on Ruth Graham's grave reads, "End of Construction. Thanks for your Patience."

4. Christmas is Bearing. Bearing with one another. Bear with the failings of the weak. Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
To illustrate, I used this powerful video.

We concluded the services by standing in a large circle, holding hands, and saying the Lord's Prayer together.

It was a beautiful morning.

This afternoon, the family had Chinese food and watched the Packers lose again. (I think I'm going to be a Jets fan -- or maybe Bears) Later in the day, we played in the snow together, and then I gave our dog, Vin, a bath. That was quite an ordeal!!

Learned this evening that The Crystal Cathedral is looking for a new Senior Pastor. Not interested!! We have our own natural (and much more beautiful) "Crystal Cathedral" right here in Hayward this morning.


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