Preacher's Wife

Keith Drury on Roles for a Preacher's Wife.

My reponse: A pastor's wife is a person -- not a role.

In that respect -- she should be who she is, using her unique gifts and graces to be a blessing however she can.

The only job description that comes with being a Pastor's Wife is: Love God and Love the People.


  1. I'd insert one other between your number one and number two as such:

    Love God, Love your husband and family, and Love your people.

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    She/he should be who she/he is, using her/his unique gifts and graces to be a blessing however she/he can.

    Is this not what each and everyone of us should be allowed to do?

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    LOVE GOD AND LOVE YOUR PEOPLE. So simple but yet so profound!


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