Western PA

I just returned from speaking to a wonderful group of Wesleyan pastors from the Western Pennsylvania District. They were fantastic -- hung right in there with me as I blabbed along!

My host, Shawn Cossin, is an outstanding young pastor (former state trooper) who is has a thriving ministry at Sandy Lake Wesleyan Church. It was a real joy to get to know him. We have kindred spirits! Shawn definitely has a bright future.

Our conference was at Hyde Wesleyan Church -- which is famous for it's amazing missions program. I don't think there's a church anywhere that's more intentional about blessing the nations than these guys. I was blown away.

Unfortunately for me, their senior pastor, Bob Croft, was on sabbatical. So, I'll have to wait to catch a few pointers from him.

I was especially delighted to reconnect with my friend, Jeremiah Gomez. He's a sharpie!

It was also a joy to visit with District Superintendent Randy Swink and his wife, Gayle. They're doing a great job of leading the Wesleyans in Western PA, We've had a special connection ever since their son, Brad, did his internship with us. My boys, Luke and Wes, think B-Rad is one of the coolest people on planet earth!

I am truly honored to be able to travel and speak to pastors in small places -- but still I must say, the best part is coming home :)


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