Lineup for the Nines Conference

The Nines Conference

Tomorrow's "On Line Conference" for church leaders (sponsored by Leadership Network and Catalyst) is going to be outstanding! Over 8500 people have already signed up!

It's free!! Over 70 leading speakers, sharing wonderful insights -- 9 minutes each.

The conference begins at 9:09 AM (Central) and goes all day long.

Here's the lineup:
9AM -- Troy Gramling, Mark Beeson, Anne Jackson, Dave Ferguson, Scott Hodge
10AM -- Perry Noble, Stacy Spencer
11AM -- Dino Rizzo, Nancy Beach, Steven Furtick, Reggie McNeal
12PM -- Craig Groeschel, Leonard Sweet, Greg Surratt, Jon Tyson
1PM -- Margaret Feinberg, Larry Osborne, Matt Carter, Pete Wilson
2PM -- Neil Cole, Reggie Joiner, JD Greear
3PM -- Mark Batterson, Dan Kimball, Mark DeYmaz
4PM -- Jud Wilhite, Brian McLaren, Bob Roberts, Rick McKinley, John Ortberg
5PM -- Alan Hirsch, John Bishop, Toby Slough, Ed Stetzer
6PM -- Mark Driscoll, Darrin Patrick, Brad Powell
7PM -- Darrin Whitehead, Brian Bloye
8PM -- Eric Bryant, Nancy Ortberg, Rick Warren


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