Clearing Ice

Arctic December air glazed my windshield over with thick ice overnight. Early in the morning before the sun woke up, I found myself trying to carve a hole.

I searched for my scraper in vain. It was gone. Some dear friend borrowed it and forgot to bring it back. I improvised by using a cd case, which, though handy and somewhat practical, seemed hardly sufficient for the task.

Undaunted, I attacked the windshield with vigorous enthusiasm, struggling in the frigid blasts to shape some semblance of visibility.

Unfortunately, as soon as I scraped the ice away, it just frosted over again.

A half hour of scratching and scraping brought nothing more than a small peep hole, barely big enough to see while driving.

At lunch time, the same, day, however, I went to my car and was surprised to discover all of the windows were clear! Not a patch of ice on them! When the sun rose, it melted all the ice away.

I thought, “Now, there’s a lesson on how to deal with difficult situations and relationships. Love is the sun. When it rises, warming beams melt away all the resentment, bitterness and misunderstanding.”

Grim, determined chiseling (or hammering away) hardly ever brings the desired result. Force rarely solves a perplexing dilemma. You can’t clear up a frozen relationship by attacking. That just brings more ice.

Perhaps, if you find yourself in a heart-chilling struggle, you should stop working so hard to fix it, be patient, and just let the sun come up.


  1. Tuck Aaker10:25 AM

    Hey Mark!
    I have to apologize for leaving the Hayward area without stopping in amnd saying goodbye. As usual, your minisrty team provided a great worship experience for Bev and I. Bev's need to stay close to her doctors in Mpls. made it necessary for us to stay in the Twin City area at my son's house until now. We leave for Florida on Sunday.
    I notice your reference to Sigurd Olson's comments on winter and it brings me back 60 years when I was guiding canoe trips North of Ely. Mn. into the Quetico National forest. A fellow guide and I were in Ely for a weekend off when we met Sigurd Olson as he was signing up people to promote a cause he had started called "The Friends of the Wilderness". He gave us his spiel and signed us up and we were among the first 100 people that he talked to. It since has become an "old memory" without much clout but he was a terrific salesman for this passion he had for the woods.
    I have since read many of his writings and am always impressed with his deep love for "God's magnificant handiwork".
    Greet your staff for me and wish them all a very merry Christmas!
    Tuck Aaker


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