The Book of the Shepherd

When Joshua the shepherd observes a man mercilessly beating his son, he is deeply troubled that the laws of their land permit such inhumanity.

Later than night, Joshua prayed to God. "Why didn't you send help for that child?" God replied, "I did send help. I sent you."

In this profound and heartwarming parable, we follow Joshua as he embarks on the quest for "the better way."

Accompanied by his newfound friends, Elizabeth (a former slave) and David (the castaway child), Joshua searches for an ancient text that has been hidden in a distant cave near the Great Inland Sea

Along their journey to uncover long buried secrets, they meet an unusual assortment of characters -- The Storyteller, The Apothecary, The Bind Man, and the Stranger, who teach them valuable lessons to aid them in the pilgrimage.

This little book, written by JoAnn Davis, is like a simplified blend of Pilgrim's Progress, Aesop's Fables, The Shack, and The Hobbit (Children's Illustrated Classics versions.)

It's packed with pithy, thought-provoking statements. Here are a couple of my favorites:

"Speak the truth in love and love the truth in each, saying strong things gently and gentle things strongly."

"Each morning, when you awaken, promise the dawn that you'll keep your heart as light as a feather."

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  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "Why didn't you send help for that child?" God replied, "I did send help. I sent you."

    How many times do individuals say, "Somebody ought to do something about that?"

    I said the same thing and God answered me, "You are somebody!"


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