My Times Are In His Hands All Day Long

Last spring, I found myself having one of those difficult days. Many issues clamored for my attention, my schedule was packed full of appointments, and my energy level was low. The needs around me seemed overwhelming, the phone rang off the hook, at least a half dozen people were upset with me about something, and I had a headache.

Realizing that I had not yet had my quiet time with God, I decided to escape from the office for a little while and find a place for solitude. A long time ago, I learned that if my soul is not anchored, I’m not much good for anybody.

I drove to a beautiful lake, and spent some time centering my mind on my Creator. It seemed as if my Heavenly Father was speaking his love, strength and peace to my troubled heart.

I opened my Bible and found this wonderful verse, “My times are in your hands” (Psalm 31:15.)

What a wonderful thought! All my times are in God’s hands.

My good times,
My bad times,
My glad times,
My sad times,
My stressed times,
My rest times
My best times – they’re all in His hands.

Then, I turned to Psalm 25:5, which states, “My hope is in you all day long.”

All day long! Just think!

God is with me all day long – every single moment of every single day.

All day long, he offers his peace.
All day long, I can rest in his keeping grace.
All day long, He demonstrates his love and faithfulness.
All day long, I can depend on Him.

He never goes out to lunch, never takes a coffee break, and never falls asleep on us. We never get his voicemail. He is always present and available.

Several years ago, my dear friend, Charlie Howe, who faithfully attends our church and spends his life blessing others, shared this beautiful poem he created:

God is there.
And He cares.
So why despair?

We can keep our hope alive as we remember our times are in his hands -- alll day long!


  1. Wow. I've been so in the same spot. Is. 54 (12?) - last verse anyway - This is what God's servants can expect!!! That everything - every little thing about every day - all day - is indeed totally in His hands. AND, Jer. 10:(12?) It is not in man's hands to direct his own steps or day. Wow. I'm so super glad.

  2. Thanks, Mark! I needed to hear that this morning. We officially launch our church on Sunday and I'm feeling the "stress" of it. It's sooo exciting!!! But there is a lot of work to be done before our carnival on Saturday and then the launch Sunday morning. But I can rest in the fact that "my time is in His hands all day long." Great reminder!!!


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