
Make your life extraordinary!

Too often, we "settle", when we ought to be moving forward. As my friend, Famous Dave, says, "Good, Better, Best -- Never let it rest until the good gets better and the better gets best."

Unfortunately, the extraordinary path is the one less traveled by. It's a lot easier to plod along in the swamps of mediocrity.

Average seems o.k. -- but deep down in our hearts, we know it's not really good enough.

For instance, how do you feel about going out to an "average" dinner at a restaurant? What if your waiter gives you "average" service? Would you be excited about spending good cash on an "average" movie?

No, average isn't good enough.

Why settle for an "average" life, when you can make it "extraordinary"?

Extraordinary living requires a change in thinking and acting. Here's the difference:

To rise above the level of mediocrity, you must:

1. Think beyond what "is" to what "can be". Look for the possibilities! They're like golden nuggets. You'll find them if you go mining.

2. Don't let small thinkers derail you. Most great ideas are opposed by people who don't see the big picture.

3. Capture God's vision for your life. His plan is always extraordinary!

4. Refuse to let trivial things squeeze out the important priorities. You have to guard this constantly.

5. Look for the good in every person and every situation.

6. Use failure as a teaching tool. Why waste your painful experiences, when you can grow from them?

7. Always evaluate. Is there a better way to do things?

I conclude with the words of Quaker theologian, Elton Trueblood, "To make your life little when it could have been great is a sin and a heresy."


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    We will not only be judged by what we do, we will also be judged for what we lacked the courage to do.

    "To make your life little when it could have been great is a sin and a heresy."


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