O, How He Loves Us

A few weejks ago, as the young people led us in worship, they sang the strangest song about hurricanes, sinking oceans, and a sloppy wet kiss. I struggled to make sense of all those metaphors.

Sloppy wet kiss? Where in the world did that come from? Why were we singing such sophomoric emotings? I scratched my head, and jotted a note for Tuesday's staff meeting -- "No more sloppy wet kiss songs."

In the days that followed, I couldn't get the chorus out of my mind, "O, how he loves us so. . ."

I went online to see if I could find out a little more about the meaning behind the song . . . and WOAH, was I ever surprised. I'd misundertood the meaning and context.

"How He Loves Us" was written by John Mark McMillan, after the death of a close friend. The main point is that even in our pain and anger, through the darkest fog of confusion, God's love breaks through.

The song captures a heart of praise, from the crucible of suffering. Understood in this light, the lyrics are absolutely profound and powerful:

Here's the video:

How He Loves : A Song Story from john mark mcmillan on Vimeo.


  1. There seem to be more of these songs coming forward enough for the local church to take notice. I love that song, but I agree it would have to be contextually set and explained. At that point you have the equivalent of the KJV - containing God's revelation, but in need of retranslation for the audience.

  2. Mark, this is a favorite song of mine that I actually own, but recorded by The David Crowder Band. I never knew the story behind the lyrics...thank you for looking deeper into this...it truly touched my heart this morning. Tell the kids I am so sorry I missed worshiping with them yesterday! I know how much I would have enjoyed it....Heather

  3. Bonnie Schultz11:34 AM

    That was really a great video to watch. Mom and I attended a church in Adams, Wisconsin yesterday and got to listen to my cousin (her nephew) preach for the first time and he was talking about this very thing. About how we have such a wonderful, consistant God at our disposal who loves us through all the muck and mud in our lives. Whether we are at the highest point or our very lowest point, HE still considers us his greatest joy! Thanks for the post!

  4. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Bringing tears to my eyes as again I cry, in the hurt and the anger the smoke starts to clear and I see a picture of Him looking at me. With love! ahhhh... Again today I placed it in His hands. So thankful for all songs yesterday. Lauren's honest heart cry resonated deeply within me. We need more of this honesty. At times I feel we are so far apart.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM


    Glad you didn't jump on your first instinct. You took time to try and understand what was going on.

    Good Lesson.


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