Internt Infographic

(HT  Jeremy Mavis via Iblogo)
A few questions for church leaders:

1.  What does this data mean for the church engaging culture?

2.  How can we encourage the information highway kids to take a break and enjoy nature and outdoor play?

3.  How can we leverage this media to bless others with the Gospel?

4.  How can the internet help us fulfill the Great Commission? 

5.  How can we better use the internet for missional networking?

6.  How can we rescue those ensnared by the dark side of the internet?  Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

7.  How might the internet forge global partnerships? 

8.  What wisdom and faith can we glean from our international brothers and sisters?  Specifically, how can American church leaders humbly cross the global bridge to learn from pastors in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where great revivals are occuring?


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    2. How can we encourage the information highway kids to take a break and enjoy nature and outdoor play?
    6. How can we rescue those ensnared by the dark side of the internet?

    As leaders we have to first be able to do the above with ourselves.


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