Leonard Sweet Goes Viral

"The current generation is driven by a God-given desire to know others and to be known by others.  Most of them, in seeking to connect in meaningful ways, have found a place of belonging that is outside the organized church.  Why not bring the two together?"

Viral, the newest book by Leonard Sweet, explores the potential of social networking in an evangelism/ministry context. 
Initially, I cast a wary eye at the subtitle:  "How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival."  Really??  Seems like a stretch.

However, as Sweet unpacks his point, I see where he's coming from.  It's all about relationships.  The TGIF Generation (a Sweet moniker for Twitter, Google, I-phone/pad, Facebook) is connecting in ways previous generations could never imagine.  How can we leverage this movement for the advancement of God's mission in the world?  Perhaps we can learn a few things about connecting from the rising generation, who can't stop texting, tweeting or updating their facebook status.

As usual with his writings, Sweet packs this book full of pithy quotes, and poetic phrases.

A good read, that challenges those of us in the Gutenberg generation to think a little more like Google.

Purchase Here

(A complimentary copy of this book was provided to me by the publisher for review on this blog.)


  1. Does it encourage us to keep blogging for the Lord? Maybe I should get the book.


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