How to Make Good Decisions

Here are 16 questions to help you as you face major decisions.
1. What is the real, bottom line issue here?
2. What would be most honoring to God? Have I prayed about it?
3. What are the pro's and con's? (Write them down.)
4. What do your respected advisors say?
5. What factors push you towards "yes"? Are they noble, upright, positive, and true?
6. What factors push you towards "no"? Are they noble, upright, positive, and true?
7. What new problems does the decision bring? (Every new plan brings new obstacles.)
8. What is the right thing to do?
9. T.H.I.N.K. (Is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, & Kind?)
10. How will this decision impact other people? (both positively and negatively)
11. What have other, wiser people done in similar situations?
12. Do I have all of the information necessary to make a good decision?
13. Is the timing right?
14. Is this a "long haul" decision or a temporary fix? ("band aid" solutions don't last long.)
15. Will this make life better or worse?
16. What are the potential gains v .s. the potential losses? Is it worth the price?


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