Small Beginnings

Do not despise small beginnings.

Every giant redwood started out as a little seed.
Every skyscraper began with a shovel of dirt-digging down to go up!
Every eagle hatched from an egg, and every butterfly from a cocoon.

Every best-selling book and blockbuster film started as a thought.
Every grand invention began as a little idea.
Every good marriage started with a small glance and a smile.

Every great hero used to be a little baby.
Every world record musky started as a tiny fish egg!
Every heart-stirring song began with a single note.

So -- the world of small seeds, little ideas, single notes and fish eggs is the place where true greatness is born!

Do not despise small beginnings -- they contain the magic of wonderful hopes yet unfulfilled.


  1. This fits in beautifully with my devotions this morning, from John 7:3-8. Jesus was not sucked in by His family pressuring him with their goals for him. He did not strive or rush. He waited for His Father's timing. If God delights in slow, why are we threatened by it?


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