The Fierce Urgency of Now
Shortly before his untimely death, pitchman, Billy Mays was interviewed in American Way Magazine. He remarked, "I'm not going to let other people who may have a problem with me-the way I pitch--deter me because I have a lot to give and a lot to do yet in my life. I think there's a bigger platform out there for me now."
Dr. Jeff Myers, professor at Bryan College, happened upon this article and made the following observation:
"I think there's a bigger platform out there for me now."
Those words haunted me. How often have I pinned my hopes on the platform I could stand on in the future, or the greater good I could do tomorrow, or the ideas I have for someday.
This simple interview with Billy Mays reminds me that there are no guarantees. My careful planning for tomorrow must not trump the influence I must seek to have today.
When it comes to mentoring, coaching and discipling the next generation, this moment, now, is the most important platform there is. Take time now to give a blessing. Go to lunch today with someone who needs your encouragement. Be reconciled with others today. Make that phone call now.
Martin Luther King was right: "There is a fierce urgency of now."
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