MorningSong Order of Worship

A few friends have inquired about the order of worship for our new early MorningSong service -- a fresh expression of ancient tradition.  Here is the liturgy we used last Sunday, June 8 (Pentecost.)


  Call To Worship

To a world dry and thirsty
God has poured out Living Water;
To a world fainting and breathless
God has stirred a mighty wind;
To a world cold and dark
God has ignited the flame  of the Spirit;
Let us worship -- for the Holy Spirit has come
The Spirit has come – hallelujah!

** Hymn: "O Worship the King" p. 10


Old Testament Reading:  Psalm 512:1-13

Reading from the Epistles: Acts 2:1-21

** Gospel Reading:   Luke 11: 9-13  

** Passing the Peace

Offering  (Please pass attendance notebooks in each row)

Offertory: "Pentecost is Coming"

Homily:  A Re-Creation Community



Communion Song  “The Old Rugged Cross”  p. 186

Affirmation of Faith

Leader:  We believe in God:
Congregation: Creator of all that has been made.  The Father of all creation.
Leader:  We believe in God:
Congregation:  Savior of all that has fallen.  The Restorer of our broken world.
Leader:  We believe in God:
Congregation:  The Life of all that lives.  The Love that binds all things together in the family of God.


**Dismissal Hymn:  “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love”  p. 284
Leader:  Thank You, Lord Jesus,  For this meal of remembrance; And for coming to us,  in the Spirit's power,  as we have shared it.
Congregation:  May the love we find at this table  be reflected in our lives;
May the power we receive at this table  make us peacemakers and healers;
And may the Spirit who fills us again at this table lead us to be those who proclaim God's Kingdom  in every word we speak  and in everything we do.  For Jesus' Sake. Amen.



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