Servant of God, Remember

Servant of God, remember the stream thy soul bedewing (moistened from morning dew);
The grace that came upon thee anointing and renewing.

The cross dissolves the darkness, and drives away temptation;
It calms the wavering spirit by quiet consecration.

To God, eternal Father, to Christ, our king, be glory,
And to the Holy Spirit, in never ending story.

The lyrics of this beautiful hymn, "Servant of God, Remember" (Cultor Dei Memento), was written at the dawn of the 5th Century by Aurelius Clement Prudentius, who, after a distinguished career as a lawyer and judge, retired at age 57 to write sacred poetry.

Several of his writings have been preserved in the form of hymns translated into modern languages.  The beautiful Advent hymn, "Of the Father's Love Begotten" is one of those


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