Focus, Focus, Focus

“the number one cause of failure in the private sector is lack of focus, and the first rule of turning around any troubled enterprise is focus, focus, focus.”

-- Mitt Romney in his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference

I'm not posting this for any political reasons whatsoever, but thought the statement from Romney was intriguing.

Is lack of focus the number one cause of failure in the church? Is the first rule of turning around a troubled church focus, focus, focus?

If so, what should that focus be?


  1. This is so true. Sometimes we have so many "ministries" that we forget to actually do what Christ commanded: go and make disciples. A lot of our churches would benefit from a good house cleaning. Define the mission. Focus on the mission. Cut anything that doesn't do those two things.

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The focus needs to be God and His mission.

    So many of our churches and leaders seem to only be after personal recognition. Who do I know and What has my name on it.

  3. family, family, family

  4. Steve Gerich12:25 PM

    Discipleship should always result in the church being a redemptive, restoring force in the world. I'm disappointed when I see some folks who focus so much on "my faith, my growth, my knowledge". I ask, "for what?"

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM


    I like your family, family, family

    What I do not like is a church family that decides who can and who cannot be part of that family.

    After all it is God's family, not the family of the controlling group.

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Interesting topic. We need to focus, focus, focus on the things that bring glory to God!

    1) starting with our own worship, relationship and prayer life
    2) being 'set apart' - living by a higher standard
    3) love, love, love - the non-believer will want what we have! The Great Commission

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    "the non-believer will want what we have! The Great Commission"


    The sad thing about the way many churches act today is that outsiders see what goes on and they instantly know that is NOT what they want.


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