The church filled up with Maira's friends and family today, as we celebrated her homegoing. We had two choirs, a praise band, a duet, two soloists, a videographer, and two preachers to help bid her bon voyage. I'm wiped out right now. Personally, Maira's memorial was hard to officiate. I've conducted over 200 funeral services over the years, and usually can keep my emotions at bay, while I'm speaking. This time, however, I found myself choking back tears the entire time. Robyn, an accomplished musician, sang "I Can Only Imagine." It was absolutely beautiful -- and I blubbered through the whole thing. Afterwards, I asked her how she did it. I cried just listening - -and she was able to sing each word with calmness and clarity. She said, "I did my crying before the funeral -- and then I made sure not to look at anybody and channeled my grief into the song for a deeper meaning." I wish I had thought to ask her that BEFORE the service.