April Showers?

A picture of our deck this morning


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Went out like a lion, huh? The robins are down here in west central Illinois, Mark.. They'll be there soon. And your crocus are probably blooming, they're just hiding under the snow.
    Have a wonderful spring!
    Dannie & Shirley Kirby

  2. Oh I know you don't want that snow NOW - - - but it sure is pretty!!!!

  3. Well, the look is the same here in Northern Michigan. It has been snowing on and off all day today. We still have a good foot of snow in our yard and where we have shoveled/plowed this winter, we have three or more feet. UGH!!! Downstate my Mom has a few flowers coming up, as they have no snow just 2 hours south of us. Spring will come....EVENTUALLY!!!

  4. Hey Mark; Guess winter wanted to play an April Fool's joke on you. Both Wayne and I enjoyed the snow pictures. Today it was 70 degrees; it started rainy, but then we had some sun this afternoon. It won't be long before I'm going to have to cut the grass :)

  5. Global cooling.

    Musta been the results of Earth Hour.



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