
Showing posts from January, 2014

Why Decision Makers Are Hard to Find

"Decision makers are hard to find. Here’s why: In  decision making, we are either right or we are wrong. This  pressure is often too much hassle for the average man.   Decision makers are leaders who accept the responsibility of  making a decisi on. Lack of courage to make decisions brings failure in personal lives, in homes, and in churches.  That great monster of “consequences” is the threat keeping us in our dugouts when the game is tied." --  Don H. Polston  (passed away Jan. 22, 2014)

It's Winter in Wisconsin

It's winter in Wisconsin  And the gentle breezes blow  Seventy miles an hour  At twenty-five below.  Yes, the weather here is wonderful  So I guess I'll hang around  I could never leave Wisconsin  'Cause I'm frozen to the ground! (from a poem sent to me by my friend, Shirley)

Building a Marriage That Lasts

A report from the Family Research Institute on the State of Marriage in Wisconsin reported that 70% of people believe that the institution of marriage is weaker than it was 20 years ago. Statistics prove the case. In the 1930's, 1 out of 7 marriages ended in divorce. In the 1960's it was 1 out of 4. This year, it is predicted that at least half of the marriages will not survive. Each year, more than 200,000 new marriages end prior to the second anniversary. Around half of recently married couples expressed doubts as to whether their marriage union will last. 49% of these reported serious marriage problems. What can be done to stem the tide and turn marriage back around? How can we build marriages that last? The first step to building stronger marriages is to start the relationship on the right foot. Most ministers in our community require extensive pre-marital counseling. Although some couples seem to view this as an annoyance -- it is vital to building a positive foundatio...

The Daniel Plan

Recently, I had the privilege of reading The Daniel Plan, by Rick Warren.  This is so much more than a book.  Rather, it is a way of life -- a pathway to health. In November 2010, as Warren, widely recognized as America's Pastor, baptized over 800 people, he realized something -- his congregation desperately needed to lose weight -- and he did too. Warren got serious about his health habits, and with the assistance of three well known physicians mapped out The Daniel Plan .   He took his church through it together, as a pilot project, and collectively they lost more than 250,000 pounds! The Daniel Plan is not a primarily diet book.  It is a way of healthy living, based on five pillars:  faith, food, fitness, focus and friends. The book provides specific, practical steps a person can take over 40 days to become more healthy.  Anyone following these guidelines is guaranteed to come out the other side in much better condition. I mus...

Live for the Long Haul

You were designed to live for the long haul! Life’s a long distance  marathon, not a 50 yard dash.With that in mind, it's vital to keep the  big picture in mind. Most of us get tangled in the minutia of the  moment and forget to look beyond the current situation. Most worries aren't really that important in light of the big picture  – the long haul. The next time you find yourself “all worked up” about  something, ask this question, "Will this really matter ten years from  now?" That question puts it in perspective. I’ve discovered that most  of my frettings of very little consequence. Long haul living requires some long range thinking: *  What are you willing to sacrifice today for a greater gain tomorrow? *  What habits today will destroy your health and/or relationships tomorrow?  *  If you continue in the same direction and at the same pace as you are going today, where will that lead you tomorrow? *  If your money ...

Problems Help You Grow

Your problems can help you grow! Life’s difficulties can seem overwhelming. Disappointments, rejection,  and painful experiences tempt us to cave into discouragement. When faced with a Goliath sized obstacle, what do you do? Cower in  fear? Ignore it? Throw a tantrum? On ignoring: In The Hobbit, Tolkein remarks, “If a dragon lives with  you, it’s best never to leave him out of your calculations.” Genuine problems must not be ignored. If you sweep a dead skunk under  the rug, it won’t get any better. So how do we deal with difficulty? Put the problem in the right  perspective! Realize that life is made up of problems. Troubles are  everywhere and everybody has them. Don’t be surprised when they come your way. Problems contain the seeds of their own solution. You can find the  answer if you get on the “solution side” rather than the “problem  side”. (By the way, you don’t have to be too smart to identify a  problem. You need to stretch your b...

A Call to Pastoral Health

Pastor, if you want your congregation to be healthy, you need to become healthy yourself.  Here's a great article by my friend, Lenny Luchetti, on the subject:  Healthy Pastor, Healthy Church.

Keep Paddling

Life brings its share of negativity.  To paraphrase a popular bumper  sticker, "Stuff Happens." We should not be surprised when difficulties arise.  It's a part of  the human condition. We should expect the unexpected, and not be  dismayed when things don't go according to plan. Every summer, I canoe down the Namekagon River.  Sometimes, we hit  rocks.  Sometimes, we tip over. Sometimes, we get stuck in the  shallows and are forced to get out and drag the boat.  Often, we get  soaked to the bone, and lose items.  Nevertheless, I continue to  paddle. The challenges are what make the voyage an adventure. You can't canoe without a risk, but if you don't take the risk, you'll  miss the reward. Traveling the wilderness by canoe brings breathtaking  views of nature and wildlife.  It provides a beautiful bond between  traveling companions, and creates memories that will last a lifetime. The river journey is ...

Keep Your Soul Warm When it is Colder Than Cold

As I write this, a deep freeze looms on the horizon.  Northern Wisconsin Januaries are always cold -- but this is colder than cold. In this weather, Jack Frost does more than nip your nose.  You have to be careful. Even my dog Vin makes a quick dash for potty breaks.  As I took him out this morning, I spoke the words Jesus said to Judas, "Whatsoever thou doest, do it quickly." Northwoods folks gain grim satisfaction from the cold endurance. Cars won't start in cold snaps, but conversations will.  Those who brave the wilds to visit the post office or grocery store compare mercury readings .  Bottom line -- it's colder than cold out there! When it hits 25 below, my kids and I take advantage of the situation. We toss boiling water into the air, and watch it turn instantly into a cloud of ice crystals.  We also blow soap bubbles, which freeze immediately and drop slowly to the ground as ice balls. If it's going to get this cold, we might as well have some fun...

Evangelize as You Edify, Edify as you Evangelize

“Don’t just preach to your congregation for spiritual growth, assuming that everyone in attendance is a Christian; and don’t just preach the gospel evangelistically, thinking that Christians cannot grow from it. Evangelize as you edify, and edify as you evangelize.” -- Tim Keller I found this astute Keller quote in a great blog post, How Andy Stanley and Tim Keller Preach With Non-Believers in Mind, by Trevin Wax.