
Showing posts from August, 2016

Surviving the End of Summer Panic

I've noticed something buzzing around Hayward lately.  It seems like people are extra busy these days. Of course, most of us are busy all the time, but as the summer is drawing to an end, a lot of folks have gone into warp drive. Here's my theory:  I call it "The End of Summer Panic."  We scurry around like an army of ants because we know that autumn and winter are on the way.  There are three thousand jobs to be done and three weeks of good weather (maybe.) How do we survive the "End of Summer Panic"?  Let me suggest a few helpful hints: 1.  Prioritize: Make a list of everything you have to do, and want to do before summer's done.  Rank the items according to how important they are.  Start with the most important thing and then work down from there.  Remember, however., that "urgent" isn't always "important." 2.  Plan Ahead: You can do more during the next six months than you could possibly imagine, but ...

The World Needs More Encouragers

"When you're down and out, something always turns up," quipped Orson Wells, "and it is usually the noses of your friends." Often, when people most need emotional support and encouragement, they are least likely to find it.  As the old proverb says, "Laugh and the world laughs with you.  Cry, and you cry alone." We all need encouragement, and, as Chuck Swindoll says, "we die without it. , . slowly, sadly, and angrily."  Psychologist, William James adds this, "The deepest principle of human nature is to be appreciated." So, with these things in mind, what is your E.Q:  Your encouragment quotient?  How often do you focus on building people up and expressing sincere appreciation? There are plenty of "discouragers" in this world -- plenty of folks who are quick to criticize and find fault.  It doesn't take much intelligence to be a fault finder.  Encouragers, on the other hand, are a rare breed.  Wherever th...

Wesleyan Apostolic Succession

I was ordained July 10, 1987, when General Superintendent, Dr. Earle Wilson, laid hands on me, shook my hand, and thundered, "Take thou authority to preach the Word!" I was thinking about this a while back, and wondered how far back I could go with the succession of my ordination. So, I did a little research. *   I was ordained by Earle Wilson *   Earle Wilson was ordained by Pilgrim Holiness General Superintendent, William Neff. *  William Neff was ordained by the Pilgrim founder, Seth Rees *  Seth Rees was ordained by Nazarene founder, Phineas Bresee  (Note -- Rees was initally "recorded" as a Quaker, because they did not ordain their ministers.  Later, he moved over to the newly formed Church of the Nazarene, and I am taking a leap by assuming that when he became a Nazarene, they ordained him.  Rees was certainly worked beside Bresee as his contemporary.) *  Phineas Bresee was ordained by Methodist Bishop, Levi Scott * ...

The Purpose of Theology is Doxology

"We should never forget that the purpose of theology is doxology; we study in order to praise.  The truest expression of trust in God will always be worship to praise God for being greater than we know." --   Geneva Study Bible note

When You're Having Problems

Are you having problems?  Then be happy, because it means you are alive.  The only folks in town with no problems are those buried six feet under in Greenwood Cemetery.  Any time you attempt something worthwhile, you're going to run into troubles.  They come with the territory of progress.  Forward movement always brings a bit of friction and resistance.  I think problems are in our lives to test our resolve and resilience.  Here are a few principles to help you face problems when they arise:  1.  Big problems are reserved for big people.     The person who desires to go forward with life and aim high will have bigger problems than the one who just sits around doing nothing and watching the world go by.  2.  Big plans bring big problems.     God gives us the vision of what He can accomplish through us.  Sometimes, His vision is accompanies by big plans and big problems. ...

Still Carrying Her

Two monks were walking to church one day along a winding, wooded path. As they rounded a bend, they came upon an elderly, heavy-set woman standing at the edge of a mud puddle in the middle of the road. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” the old lady worried, “How am I ever going to get past this puddle without getting my shoes and dress wet and filthy? I just don’t know what to do!” Then, her eyes brightened as she saw the two priests approaching. “Excuse me! Is there any way you fine gentlemen could help me get over this puddle of water?” Brother Bob, the younger monk, smiled brightly, “Sure! We’d be glad to help! Wouldn’t we, Fred? Brother Fred, an older clergyman, glared at his friend, cleared his throat, and grudgingly replied, “Uh… Sure, Uh… I,,,. I guess so.” After a quick assessment, Brother Bob put an action plan together. “Brother Fred, Let’s carry her across! You take her left side, and I’ll cover the right!” “Uh,,,Yeah. . . O.K. , , , If you say so Brother Bob.” “One, two, three. . . LI...