Today is a golden opportunity -- make it count for something! If your minutes were dollars, would that make a difference in how you spend them? For instance, would you spend $30 of time on the latest sitcom? Would you plunk down $120 for two hours of video games? Would it make a difference in how much time you spend just "shooting the breeze"? Actually, time is even more important than money. Every second is precious, and only here for a moment. Then, it vanishes and we never have it again. Once a schoolteacher brought three candles to her class: a tall, new, candle, a medium candle, and a very short one. "These three candles represent people," she explained, "One is the grandfather, one is the father, and one is the son. Do you know which is which?" All of the students picked the tallest candle for the grandfather and the shortest for the son. "You are wrong!", the teacher proclaimed, "for the shortest candle has already spent most o...